Stamps have been a popular collector's item for decades.

but can also be seen as a good and interesting investment object.

Every collector soon becomes a bit of an investor. If someone wants to set up a new collection, he will benefit from it if he plays a role in investing. What collector is not delighted in his heart when, while leafing through a new catalogue, he discovers that his stamps have increased in value again? Owning a valuable collection is an enjoyable affair for many reasons. It is therefore fortunate that philately is a hobby in which collecting and investing can go hand in hand.

Naturally, there are collectors who find a significant increase in value more important than just building a good collection; these are the pure investors who all have an eye for rapid and safe increases in the value of stamps and who also purchase stamps in a targeted manner. In general, the collector will try to make these things go together in a pleasant way. Beginner or advanced, young or old, collector or investor, it makes little difference. Together they form the big philatelist family!